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Agora 4

Agora 4 has everything you need to develop a solution that uses fingerprints as a biometric.  Check what is new with this release.  It includes the Agora SDK with fast and precise feature extraction to generate minutiae files in standard format and proprietary format (interchangeable), capture of flat and rolled finger images, fast FBI certified WSQ compression and decompression, comprehensive finger image viewing tools, accurate 1:1 verification of identity.  It inlcudes the Agora SMS, an accurate, fast and scalable 1:N search and match engine as Windows services that can grow with the database and also with the frequency of transactions.


The SDK has four demonstration applications with sample source code to assist the programmer.

  • Verification for feature extraction, finger view and match for 1:1 identity verification

  • WsqCodec for FBI certified WSQ compression / decompression

  • Sendor Sample shows the capture of finger images with different scannners

  • MatchDemoSql for scalable 1:N identification

The programmer has two set of tools:


Software Developer's Kit, or SDK

  • Analysis, to extract feature information from the finger image and generate a template

  • Matching, to match two templates

  • Compress, to compress and decompress a finger image using our FBI certified WSQ algorithm

  • Identification, to send and receive transactions to the Scheduler and MatchServer

  • Capture, to capture plain and rolled prints from a single finger scanner

  • Display, to show and hide image and template information on the computer monitor

Scheduler and MatchServers, or SMS

  • The Scheduler interacts with the SQL Server database, and controls the MatchServers

  • The MatchServers search and return results to the Scheduler, all templates are in memory


System requirements

Windows XP SP2 / Windows 7, .NET Framework 4, SQL Server Express 2005 / 2008 and SQL Server Management Studio Express

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