A customer goes to a bank's branch
to open a new account
For this the bank requires a
photograph, a signature and fingerprints.
After opening the account the
customer can perform financial transactions at any
of the bank's 100 branches throughout the Country.
The branches are fully networked. Regardless of the
branch the customer visits, the bank wishes to
authenticate him using the fingerprint captured at
The consultant goes back to his office
and two days later comes back with the following
General information
The bank has 100,000 customers
There is no need for to search and
match one identity against many. This is known as
biometric 1:N
There are 100 locations including
central where customers can open an account and
perform financial transactions
identification. All is needed is 1:1
verification of identity to
authenticate the customer
Central will hold one database and
servers to cope with demand
They will capture 4 fingers plain
Will use INCITS 378 as interoperable
The customer or the branch employee
will fetch the record including the fingerprint
template and a 1:1 comparison is made with the
customer's live captured fingerprint
500KB per record using standard
interoperable WSQ algorithm to compress images and a
high quality photo compressed with JPG