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The Agora SDK 4 includes the following .NET Framework Namespaces:



The class AgrFeature includes the methods Encode to extract the fingerprint minutiae template and Quality to determine quality, plus other classes to store information.



Has numerous classes to manipulate fingerprint images, to capture plain and rolled prints with Cross Match Verifier 300 LC2 and 310, and NitGen enBioScan; and an interface for rolled capture.



The class AgrWsq uses a FBI certified WSQ compression / decompression algorithm and it accepts images in BMP and RAW formats; it includes classes to store compressed and decompressed information.



Has classes to view the finger image and its options.



The class MatchClientSql includes methods to communicate a 1:N identification  transaction with the Scheduler / MatchServers


Image manipulation

We felt our customers where "reinventing the wheel" every time they had to convert a RAW formatted image into a BMP, so we developed the AgrImage class. It also has a method to get pixels from an image.



The class AgrVerify includes two methods with two algorithms to match fingerprints: Matching and Verification; it also includes VerificationDraw to plot the similarity, and a class to store similarity information



Based on the NIST Finger Image Quality (NFIQ) this namespace contains classes to generate quality values and maps from finger images. The standard establishes that the NFIQ value is from 0 to 5



This namespace includes helper classes with methods to generate and parse both INCITS378 and ISOIEC19794-2 templates.


Image processing

The ImageProcessing Namespace includes the ImageHelper class. As its name indicates it is designed to help the programmer. Currently the ImaheHelper class includes a method to generate a bitmap image from a raw image, and other utility .NET Framework methods. It accepts parameters pixels, height, width.

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