The prison holds on average 3,000 inmates
They get 500 visitors per week, while the peak of visits is
Saturday morning where they get 400 visitors as soon as they open.
They would like to keep the line as short as possible and the maximum wait
time should not be more than 1 hour.
The database of inmates must be maintained purged.
They cannot have a person with more than one identity
The inmates identities must be verified when they
temporarily leave and when they return.
The visitors will be enrolled as they arrive and checked
against a black list.
The visitors identities will be verified when they leave.
In subsequent visits, their identity is verified when they
enter and when they leave.
The consultant goes back to his office and two days later comes
back with the following recommendation:
General information
The database will be local, with future interface to a
national system to detect multiple offenders
Fingerprints as a biometric for accuracy and future
interoperability with national system
At project startup they the will enroll the 3,000 inmates
initially capturing ten rolled fingers, three photos of the face,
demographic data, a signature and photos of tattoos and scars if they exist,
and the application will produce a standard record based on the latest
proposed standard ANSI/NIST-ITL 1-2007
Development of custom applications
Forensic quality single finger scanner for accuracy and
1 enrollment workstation, 2 1:1 verification and 1:N
identification workstations and 1 server
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